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royal academy of music

  • 1 academy

    [ə'kædəmi] 1. plural - academies; noun
    1) (a higher school for special study: Academy of Music.) háskóli; æðri menntastofnun
    2) (a society to encourage science, art etc: The Royal Academy.) heiðurstofnun vísinda- og listamanna
    3) (a type of senior school.) framhaldsskóli (einkaskóli)
    2. noun
    (a university or college teacher.) háskólakennari
    - academically

    English-Icelandic dictionary > academy

См. также в других словарях:

  • Royal academy of music —  Ne doit pas être confondu avec Royal College of Music. La Royal Academy of Music est une prestigieuse école de musique située à Londres, le long de Regent s Park. Elle a été fondée en 1822 par Lord Burghersh avec le concours du célèbre et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Royal Academy of Music — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Royal Academy of Music (La Real Academia de Música o a veces abreviado RAM por sus siglas en inglés) es un Conservatorio situado en Londres (Reino Unido), miembro de la Universidad de Londres, y una de las… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Royal Academy of Music — Infobox University name = Royal Academy of Music image size = caption = latin name = motto = established = 1822 type = Public staff = president = HRH The Duchess of Gloucester principal = Professor Jonathan Freeman Attwood KBE students = 730cite… …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Academy of Music — Vorlage:Infobox Hochschule/Mitarbeiter fehltVorlage:Infobox Hochschule/Professoren fehlt Royal Academy of Music Gründung 1822 Trägerschaft staatlich …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Royal Academy of Music — 51°31′25″N 0°09′07″O / 51.52361, 0.15194 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus — Royal Academy of Music Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium Established 1927 Type Music school Rector Thomas Winther (2008) Admin. staff 200 Stud …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Academy of Music — Royal Academy of Mu|sic, the an important London music college …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Royal Academy of Music Museum — The Royal Academy of Music s museum of musical instruments and artefacts in London, England, is open to the public free of charge seven days a week. The museum is housed in the York Gate building, which was designed by John Nash in 1822 as part… …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Academy of Music (Opernunternehmen) — Die Royal Academy of Music war ein Opernunternehmen, das 1719 in London unter der Schirmherrschaft Georgs I. gegründet wurde. Damit wurde eine ständige italienische Oper eröffnet, welche die damals bekanntesten europäischen Gesangssolisten nach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Royal Academy of Music — a college for the study of music in Marylebone, London, England. It was established in 1822 and is London’s oldest music college. Compare Royal College of Music. * * * …   Universalium

  • (the) Royal Academy of Music — the Royal Academy of Music [the Royal Academy of Music] a college for the study of music in Marylebone, London, England. It was established in 1822 and is London’s oldest music college. Compare ↑Royal College of Music …   Useful english dictionary

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